Portraits (drawings)

Portraits, 1999 (drawings)

Acadia University Art Gallery, Wolfville, NS Canada 
series of 4 drawings; graphite on paper; each app. 29" x 75" (75 x 190 cm) / 

Serie aus 4 Zeichnungen; Graphit auf Papier; je ca. 75 cm x 190 cm

see also Ten Black Forms

and Essay "Ten Black Forms" by Cliff Eyland

as well as Opening remarks, "Ten Black Forms" by John Greer

and Review by Judith Leidl, Ten Black Forms

New drawings develop. I am working with paper in a human-size format - 75cm x 180cm. The drawings consist of a head-like shape made with a thick graphite pencil in an approximate head-height, actually a little bit higher, so that you have to look up when you face them. The drawing is just one layer of graphite, yet so thick that it appears to be a leaden surface. The mark making remains evident.

The shapes are reminiscent of the forms that I look at - and work with - in my current sculptural works. The drawings become very physical, yet they are very graphic at the same time. The dark shapes work with light and reflection. They appear to be present, have a silent identity in front of you.


What I like about them most, is that they work a bit like the sculptures - they seem to be familiar, yet they rest unknown. They have a presence that reflects on the viewer as walking object inside a room, echoing the uprightness of the human body.

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