Winged Beings

Winged Beings (I + II), 2001

2 elements, hydrocal over wire, black iron oxide

Element I: 230cm x 101cm x 33cm; element II: 250cm x 112cm x 37cm


The "Winged Beings" are the beginning of a series of new works that are made in hydrocal plaster for bronze and stone. The form reminds of a type of petrified shell that is found in the deteriorating cliffs around the Bay of Fundy.

Calcium turned stone means life turned into mineral. Translating a nature of form into a sculpture as thing is about the manifestation of a moment of experience. Wings manifested in a "being" that relates in scale to our own physicality, allows for a meaningful encounter with form. The pieces talk about desire and transformation - and about being grounded on the earth.

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